by Aquamarine Networks.


5.99 usd

Jota+★PRO-KEY is an unlock key app for Jota+ (Text Editor).★Jota+ PRO-KEY enables the following features:- disable ads.- opening files at same time without limit. (free version:2 tabs)- able to access cloud storage (or root) without limit. (free version:2 times per a day)- customizing background images- backup/restore preferences- using Storage Access Framework. (Android4.4 or later)- limit of the phrase manager becomes 99. (free version:2)- limit of the clipboard history becomes 9. (free version:2)- using 'Receive all mimeType' option. - limit of the bookmarks of the file browser becomes 20.. (free version:20)
▼If you can't activate PRO-KEY, try following. Make sure that your device is connected to internet and logged in to Google. Confirm PRO-KEY is installed from System Settings. Click Menu - Preference - Activate PRO-KEY. reboot device and start Jota+. uninstall and re-install Jota+ or PRO-KEY.
- If you have troubled with Activation, please mail to the developer.
(c) 2012-2014, Aquamarine Netorks.